Division 1: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Sean Smith 7 7 100.00
2 James Barton 3 3 100.00
3 Andrew Lyall 2 2 100.00
3 Bill Green 2 2 100.00
5 Ross Linn 1 1 100.00
5 Bob Kass 1 1 100.00
5 Euan Christie 1 1 100.00
5 Daniel Mackintosh 1 1 100.00
5 Alan Paton 1 1 100.00
5 Lewis Barnard 1 1 100.00
11 John Georgeson 18 19 94.74
12 David Mustarde 6 7 85.71
13 Stuart Black 10 12 83.33
14 Pete Richardson 5 6 83.33
14 Katie Gregson-MacLeo… 5 6 83.33
16 Stevie McClue 14 17 82.35
17 David Williams 13 16 81.25
18 Scott Fairfoull 4 5 80.00
19 Robbie Watson 16 21 76.19
20 David Taylor 9 12 75.00
21 Harry Jack 14 19 73.68
22 Billy Montgomery 13 18 72.22
22 Rory Fredriksson 13 18 72.22
24 Stephen Leggat 9 13 69.23
25 Tom Luthman 11 16 68.75
26 Coinneach Malcolm 12 18 66.67
27 Kyle Bruce 2 3 66.67
28 John Ramsbottom 13 20 65.00
29 Grzegorz Faryno 10 17 58.82
30 Brian MacAulay 4 7 57.14
31 Alan Lobban 10 18 55.56
32 Phil Taylor 4 8 50.00
33 Sandra Farquhar 9 19 47.37
34 Roger Milton 8 17 47.06
34 Colin Forbes 8 17 47.06
36 Graeme Spreng 5 11 45.45
37 Harry Mackenzie 3 7 42.86
38 Paul MacDonald 6 18 33.33
38 Steve Jack 6 18 33.33
40 Harry Barron 1 3 33.33
41 Ian Fraser 3 10 30.00
42 Craig Ferguson 4 15 26.67
43 Donald Beaton 5 20 25.00
44 Mike Milner 2 8 25.00
45 Alfie Morrison 3 14 21.43
46 Alfonso Brandin 4 19 21.05
47 Omar Khalil 3 16 18.75
48 James Farrar 2 11 18.18
49 Andy Farquhar 2 12 16.67
50 Neil Smith 2 16 12.50
51 Davie Wood 1 18 5.56
52 Allan Martin 0 8 0.00
53 Simon Booker-Milbur… 0 7 0.00
54 Arthur Masson 0 4 0.00
54 Calum Scott 0 4 0.00
54 Katie Scott 0 4 0.00
57 Dan Walton 0 3 0.00
58 Steve Tsang 0 2 0.00
59 Alastair Kirkland 0 1 0.00
59 Calum Stuart 0 1 0.00
59 Pepe Mourino 0 1 0.00
59 George Porter 0 1 0.00
59 David Massey 0 1 0.00
59 Harry Stagg 0 1 0.00
59 Tom Naylor 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Daniel Mackintosh 1276
2 John Georgeson 1263
3 Harry Barron 1230
4 Kyle Bruce 1211
5 David Taylor 1209
6 Calum Stuart 1206
7 Tom Luthman 1201
8 Scott Fairfoull 1192
9 Alan Lobban 1183
10 Stuart Black 1180
11 Stevie McClue 1161
12 Grzegorz Faryno 1140
13 David Massey 1137
14 Roger Milton 1123
15 Davie Wood 1118
15 Pete Richardson 1118
17 Alan Paton 1114
18 Paul MacDonald 1105
19 Alastair Kirkland 1098
20 Rory Fredriksson 1056
21 James Barton 1044
22 Billy Montgomery 1029
23 Harry Mackenzie 1023
24 Sean Smith 1022
25 Coinneach Malcolm 1020
26 Donald Beaton 1004
27 John Ramsbottom 994
28 Graeme Spreng 975
29 Bob Kass 971
30 George Porter 967
31 Andrew Lyall 965
32 Robbie Watson 954
33 Ross Linn 945
34 Sandra Farquhar 928
35 Tom Naylor 917
36 Andy Farquhar 914
37 Stephen Leggat 898
38 Omar Khalil 896
39 Harry Stagg 885
40 Neil Smith 881
41 Steve Jack 874
42 David Mustarde 865
43 Pepe Mourino 863
44 Alfie Morrison 850
45 Arthur Masson 843
46 Mike Milner 836
47 Brian MacAulay 828
48 Bill Green 811
49 David Williams 790
49 Katie Gregson-MacLeo… 790
51 Steve Tsang 778
52 Euan Christie 742
53 Harry Jack 724
54 Phil Taylor 713
55 Calum Scott 659
56 Alfonso Brandin 652
57 Colin Forbes 632
58 James Farrar 597
58 Lewis Barnard 597
60 Dan Walton 579
61 Simon Booker-Milbur… 507
62 Katie Scott 495
63 Craig Ferguson 491
64 Ian Fraser 469
65 Allan Martin 399
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
Sean Smith 100.00 7 0
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Sean Smith 3 3 100.00
2 Rory Fredriksson 4 5 80.00
3 David Williams 11 14 78.57
4 Billy Montgomery 5 7 71.43
5 Katie Gregson-MacLeo… 2 3 66.67
6 Robbie Watson 8 13 61.54
7 Colin Forbes 6 10 60.00
8 Graeme Spreng 5 10 50.00
8 Harry Jack 5 10 50.00
10 Stevie McClue 2 4 50.00
10 Brian MacAulay 2 4 50.00
12 Pete Richardson 1 2 50.00
12 Kyle Bruce 1 2 50.00
14 Sandra Farquhar 5 12 41.67
15 Grzegorz Faryno 2 6 33.33
16 David Taylor 1 3 33.33
17 Roger Milton 1 4 25.00
17 John Ramsbottom 1 4 25.00
17 Harry Mackenzie 1 4 25.00
20 Ian Fraser 2 9 22.22
21 Stephen Leggat 1 5 20.00
22 Steve Jack 2 12 16.67
23 Donald Beaton 2 13 15.38
24 Andy Farquhar 1 7 14.29
25 Paul MacDonald 1 8 12.50
26 James Farrar 1 9 11.11
27 Alfie Morrison 1 11 9.09
28 Alfonso Brandin 1 14 7.14
29 Neil Smith 13 0.00
30 Omar Khalil 10 0.00
31 Craig Ferguson 9 0.00
32 Davie Wood 7 0.00
33 Simon Booker-Milbur… 4 0.00
33 Phil Taylor 4 0.00
35 Allan Martin 3 0.00
36 Steve Tsang 2 0.00
36 Alan Lobban 2 0.00
36 Coinneach Malcolm 2 0.00
36 Mike Milner 2 0.00
40 Tom Luthman 1 0.00
40 David Massey 1 0.00
40 Harry Barron 1 0.00
40 Tom Naylor 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Calum Stuart 500 1206 706
2 Stevie McClue 600 1161 561
3 James Barton 500 1044 544
4 Harry Mackenzie 600 1023 423
5 David Williams 393 790 397
6 Arthur Masson 500 843 343
7 Katie Gregson-MacLeo… 572 790 218
8 Grzegorz Faryno 929 1140 211
9 Bill Green 600 811 211
10 Robbie Watson 780 954 174
11 Calum Scott 500 659 159
12 Harry Jack 569 724 155
13 Rory Fredriksson 913 1056 143
14 Billy Montgomery 900 1029 129
15 Graeme Spreng 850 975 125
16 David Massey 1012 1137 125
17 Daniel Mackintosh 1156 1276 120
18 Donald Beaton 895 1004 109
19 Ross Linn 836 945 109
20 Sandra Farquhar 820 928 108
21 Harry Barron 1125 1230 105
22 Sean Smith 929 1022 93
23 Coinneach Malcolm 936 1020 84
24 Dan Walton 500 579 79
25 Bob Kass 900 971 71
26 Ian Fraser 403 469 66
27 Lewis Barnard 533 597 64
28 Alfonso Brandin 592 652 60
29 Stephen Leggat 850 898 48
30 Pepe Mourino 824 863 39
31 James Farrar 561 597 36
32 Colin Forbes 600 632 32
33 Brian MacAulay 800 828 28
34 Omar Khalil 872 896 24
35 Andy Farquhar 900 914 14
36 Phil Taylor 700 713 13
37 Pete Richardson 1108 1118 10
38 John Georgeson 1254 1263 9
39 David Taylor 1200 1209 9
40 Kyle Bruce 1203 1211 8
41 Tom Naylor 909 917 8
42 Steve Jack 872 874 2
43 Tom Luthman 1200 1201 1
44 Neil Smith 881 881 0
45 Alfie Morrison 850 850 0
46 David Mustarde 868 865 -3
47 Stuart Black 1184 1180 -4
48 Alan Paton 1118 1114 -4
49 Katie Scott 500 495 -5
50 John Ramsbottom 1000 994 -6
51 Euan Christie 750 742 -8
52 Craig Ferguson 500 491 -9
53 Harry Stagg 895 885 -10
54 Paul MacDonald 1122 1105 -17
55 George Porter 990 967 -23
56 Alastair Kirkland 1124 1098 -26
57 Steve Tsang 807 778 -29
58 Mike Milner 868 836 -32
59 Andrew Lyall 1000 965 -35
60 Roger Milton 1164 1123 -41
61 Scott Fairfoull 1245 1192 -53
62 Alan Lobban 1251 1183 -68
63 Simon Booker-Milbur… 583 507 -76
64 Allan Martin 500 399 -101
65 Davie Wood 1245 1118 -127
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Allan Martin 8 8 100.00
2 Simon Booker-Milbur… 7 7 100.00
3 Arthur Masson 4 4 100.00
3 Calum Scott 4 4 100.00
3 Katie Scott 4 4 100.00
6 Dan Walton 3 3 100.00
7 Steve Tsang 2 2 100.00
8 Alastair Kirkland 1 1 100.00
8 Calum Stuart 1 1 100.00
8 Pepe Mourino 1 1 100.00
8 George Porter 1 1 100.00
8 David Massey 1 1 100.00
8 Harry Stagg 1 1 100.00
8 Tom Naylor 1 1 100.00
15 Davie Wood 17 18 94.44
16 Neil Smith 14 16 87.50
17 Andy Farquhar 10 12 83.33
18 James Farrar 9 11 81.82
19 Omar Khalil 13 16 81.25
20 Alfonso Brandin 15 19 78.95
21 Alfie Morrison 11 14 78.57
22 Donald Beaton 15 20 75.00
23 Mike Milner 6 8 75.00
24 Craig Ferguson 11 15 73.33
25 Ian Fraser 7 10 70.00
26 Paul MacDonald 12 18 66.67
26 Steve Jack 12 18 66.67
28 Harry Barron 2 3 66.67
29 Harry Mackenzie 4 7 57.14
30 Graeme Spreng 6 11 54.55
31 Roger Milton 9 17 52.94
31 Colin Forbes 9 17 52.94
33 Sandra Farquhar 10 19 52.63
34 Phil Taylor 4 8 50.00
35 Alan Lobban 8 18 44.44
36 Brian MacAulay 3 7 42.86
37 Grzegorz Faryno 7 17 41.18
38 John Ramsbottom 7 20 35.00
39 Coinneach Malcolm 6 18 33.33
40 Kyle Bruce 1 3 33.33
41 Tom Luthman 5 16 31.25
42 Stephen Leggat 4 13 30.77
43 Billy Montgomery 5 18 27.78
43 Rory Fredriksson 5 18 27.78
45 Harry Jack 5 19 26.32
46 David Taylor 3 12 25.00
47 Robbie Watson 5 21 23.81
48 Scott Fairfoull 1 5 20.00
49 David Williams 3 16 18.75
50 Stevie McClue 3 17 17.65
51 Stuart Black 2 12 16.67
52 Pete Richardson 1 6 16.67
52 Katie Gregson-MacLeo… 1 6 16.67
54 David Mustarde 1 7 14.29
55 John Georgeson 1 19 5.26
56 Sean Smith 0 7 0.00
57 James Barton 0 3 0.00
58 Andrew Lyall 0 2 0.00
58 Bill Green 0 2 0.00
60 Ross Linn 0 1 0.00
60 Bob Kass 0 1 0.00
60 Euan Christie 0 1 0.00
60 Daniel Mackintosh 0 1 0.00
60 Alan Paton 0 1 0.00
60 Lewis Barnard 0 1 0.00