Division 2: Division Stats

Squash (Doubles)

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Mitch Tobe 2 2 100.00
2 Amelie Mahoney 4 5 80.00
3 Kate Payne 11 14 78.57
4 Jack Burfoot 7 9 77.78
5 Alexander Lansley 12 16 75.00
6 Mathew West 3 4 75.00
7 Finn Burfoot 8 11 72.73
8 Cooper Avins 2 3 66.67
9 Tiaan Eggert 5 10 50.00
10 Michelle Krueger 4 8 50.00
10 Orla Clarke 4 8 50.00
12 Caitlin Clarke 2 4 50.00
13 Ricky Mahoney 5 11 45.45
14 Paige Wilson 4 10 40.00
15 Celina Krueger 4 11 36.36
15 Justin Povey 4 11 36.36
17 Isis Knight 1 3 33.33
18 Saige Lawson 1 5 20.00
19 Molly Hansen 1 11 9.09
20 Bede Eyles 0 9 0.00
21 Tara Davies 0 2 0.00
22 Declan Smith 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Jack Burfoot 684
2 Alexander Lansley 666
3 Finn Burfoot 558
4 Kate Payne 524
5 Cooper Avins 516
6 Mathew West 505
7 Ricky Mahoney 497
8 Declan Smith 495
9 Tara Davies 486
10 Celina Krueger 475
11 Tiaan Eggert 454
12 Amelie Mahoney 443
13 Paige Wilson 439
14 Saige Lawson 427
15 Molly Hansen 412
16 Mitch Tobe 375
17 Michelle Krueger 349
18 Isis Knight 342
19 Orla Clarke 340
20 Justin Povey 334
21 Bede Eyles 217
22 Caitlin Clarke 134
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Amelie Mahoney 80.00 4 1
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Jack Burfoot 600 684 84
2 Alexander Lansley 600 666 66
3 Ricky Mahoney 505 497 -8
4 Tara Davies 500 486 -14
5 Finn Burfoot 600 558 -42
6 Paige Wilson 500 439 -61
7 Kate Payne 600 524 -76
8 Cooper Avins 600 516 -84
9 Mathew West 600 505 -95
10 Declan Smith 600 495 -105
11 Celina Krueger 600 475 -125
12 Tiaan Eggert 600 454 -146
13 Amelie Mahoney 600 443 -157
14 Orla Clarke 500 340 -160
15 Saige Lawson 600 427 -173
16 Molly Hansen 600 412 -188
17 Mitch Tobe 600 375 -225
18 Michelle Krueger 600 349 -251
19 Isis Knight 600 342 -258
20 Justin Povey 600 334 -266
21 Caitlin Clarke 500 134 -366
22 Bede Eyles 600 217 -383
Biggest Rating Gain from a Single Match
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Bede Eyles 9 9 100.00
2 Tara Davies 2 2 100.00
3 Declan Smith 1 1 100.00
4 Molly Hansen 10 11 90.91
5 Saige Lawson 4 5 80.00
6 Isis Knight 2 3 66.67
7 Celina Krueger 7 11 63.64
7 Justin Povey 7 11 63.64
9 Paige Wilson 6 10 60.00
10 Ricky Mahoney 6 11 54.55
11 Tiaan Eggert 5 10 50.00
12 Michelle Krueger 4 8 50.00
12 Orla Clarke 4 8 50.00
14 Caitlin Clarke 2 4 50.00
15 Cooper Avins 1 3 33.33
16 Finn Burfoot 3 11 27.27
17 Alexander Lansley 4 16 25.00
18 Mathew West 1 4 25.00
19 Jack Burfoot 2 9 22.22
20 Kate Payne 3 14 21.43
21 Amelie Mahoney 1 5 20.00
22 Mitch Tobe 0 2 0.00

Squash (Singles)

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Bede Eyles 12 13 92.31
2 Isis Knight 9 10 90.00
3 Jack Burfoot 7 8 87.50
4 Mathew West 12 18 66.67
5 Ricky Mahoney 8 12 66.67
6 Cooper Avins 6 9 66.67
7 Finn Burfoot 7 11 63.64
8 Michelle Krueger 5 8 62.50
9 Mitch Tobe 3 5 60.00
10 Alexander Lansley 10 18 55.56
11 Celina Krueger 9 18 50.00
12 Tiaan Eggert 8 16 50.00
13 Amelie Mahoney 3 6 50.00
14 Tara Davies 1 2 50.00
14 Caitlin Clarke 1 2 50.00
16 Kate Payne 7 15 46.67
17 Saige Lawson 7 16 43.75
18 Molly Hansen 5 13 38.46
19 Declan Smith 3 12 25.00
20 Orla Clarke 3 13 23.08
21 Justin Povey 1 12 8.33
22 Paige Wilson 1 16 6.25
23 Alex Littlewood 0 1 0.00
23 Samuel Rothwell 0 1 0.00
23 Jaime Wilson 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Cooper Avins 856
2 Bede Eyles 762
3 Jack Burfoot 747
4 Alexander Lansley 630
5 Ricky Mahoney 629
6 Celina Krueger 628
7 Finn Burfoot 615
8 Orla Clarke 608
9 Michelle Krueger 607
10 Amelie Mahoney 591
11 Saige Lawson 588
12 Isis Knight 587
13 Kate Payne 582
14 Mathew West 574
15 Molly Hansen 573
16 Samuel Rothwell 564
17 Tara Davies 561
18 Jaime Wilson 560
19 Justin Povey 557
20 Mitch Tobe 555
21 Caitlin Clarke 546
22 Paige Wilson 537
23 Tiaan Eggert 530
23 Alex Littlewood 530
25 Declan Smith 500
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
2 Bede Eyles 91.67 11 1
3 Celina Krueger 83.33 5 1
4 Isis Knight 87.50 7 1
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Isis Knight 1 1 100.00
2 Finn Burfoot 4 7 57.14
3 Mitch Tobe 2 4 50.00
3 Michelle Krueger 2 4 50.00
5 Tara Davies 1 2 50.00
5 Jack Burfoot 1 2 50.00
7 Kate Payne 5 11 45.45
8 Tiaan Eggert 4 11 36.36
9 Molly Hansen 3 9 33.33
10 Ricky Mahoney 2 6 33.33
11 Celina Krueger 3 10 30.00
12 Declan Smith 3 12 25.00
13 Mathew West 1 4 25.00
14 Alexander Lansley 1 6 16.67
15 Justin Povey 1 12 8.33
16 Paige Wilson 1 14 7.14
17 Saige Lawson 6 0.00
18 Orla Clarke 3 0.00
19 Amelie Mahoney 2 0.00
20 Alex Littlewood 1 0.00
20 Caitlin Clarke 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Cooper Avins 600 856 256
2 Ricky Mahoney 569 629 60
3 Kate Payne 530 582 52
4 Isis Knight 539 587 48
5 Molly Hansen 531 573 42
6 Celina Krueger 588 628 40
7 Saige Lawson 548 588 40
8 Mitch Tobe 516 555 39
9 Tiaan Eggert 492 530 38
10 Samuel Rothwell 534 564 30
11 Finn Burfoot 586 615 29
12 Caitlin Clarke 517 546 29
13 Orla Clarke 587 608 21
14 Michelle Krueger 586 607 21
15 Mathew West 555 574 19
16 Declan Smith 481 500 19
17 Paige Wilson 529 537 8
18 Jack Burfoot 742 747 5
19 Tara Davies 556 561 5
20 Justin Povey 561 557 -4
21 Bede Eyles 768 762 -6
22 Alexander Lansley 637 630 -7
23 Amelie Mahoney 598 591 -7
24 Jaime Wilson 578 560 -18
25 Alex Littlewood 600 530 -70
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Alex Littlewood 1 1 100.00
1 Samuel Rothwell 1 1 100.00
1 Jaime Wilson 1 1 100.00
4 Paige Wilson 15 16 93.75
5 Justin Povey 11 12 91.67
6 Orla Clarke 10 13 76.92
7 Declan Smith 9 12 75.00
8 Molly Hansen 8 13 61.54
9 Saige Lawson 9 16 56.25
10 Kate Payne 8 15 53.33
11 Celina Krueger 9 18 50.00
12 Tiaan Eggert 8 16 50.00
13 Amelie Mahoney 3 6 50.00
14 Tara Davies 1 2 50.00
14 Caitlin Clarke 1 2 50.00
16 Alexander Lansley 8 18 44.44
17 Mitch Tobe 2 5 40.00
18 Michelle Krueger 3 8 37.50
19 Finn Burfoot 4 11 36.36
20 Mathew West 6 18 33.33
21 Ricky Mahoney 4 12 33.33
22 Cooper Avins 3 9 33.33
23 Jack Burfoot 1 8 12.50
24 Isis Knight 1 10 10.00
25 Bede Eyles 1 13 7.69