STH/EST Div 02: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Jon Kranitis 2 2 100.00
1 Garry Piggott 2 2 100.00
1 Mendel Monteiro-Beck… 2 2 100.00
1 Tarun Sathish 2 2 100.00
1 Peter Bastow 2 2 100.00
1 Zeeshan Saeed 2 2 100.00
1 Tas Coumarelos 2 2 100.00
1 Garth Dannevig 2 2 100.00
9 Frank Lucien 1 1 100.00
9 Alex Samad 1 1 100.00
9 Ayan Zeeshan 1 1 100.00
9 Nicholas Weekes 1 1 100.00
13 Muhammad Shafi 1 2 50.00
13 Leigh Moorhead 1 2 50.00
13 Dion Tiu 1 2 50.00
13 Brian Healy 1 2 50.00
17 Isaac Kuruvilla 0 3 0.00
18 Alex Forbath 0 2 0.00
18 David Khoury 0 2 0.00
18 Daniel Slender 0 2 0.00
18 Vincent Truong 0 2 0.00
18 David Hughes 0 2 0.00
23 George Akoutas 0 1 0.00
23 Tom Pinson 0 1 0.00
23 Steven Wittingslow 0 1 0.00
23 Steve Abbott 0 1 0.00
23 Neil Walters 0 1 0.00
23 Jason Stephens 0 1 0.00
23 Jeff Goh 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Peter Bastow 1619
2 Nicholas Weekes 1593
3 Zeeshan Saeed 1528
4 Tas Coumarelos 1521
5 Garth Dannevig 1490
6 Jeff Goh 1429
7 David Hughes 1428
8 Jon Kranitis 1426
9 Alex Forbath 1415
10 Garry Piggott 1407
11 George Akoutas 1373
12 Steve Abbott 1350
13 Tom Pinson 1337
14 Muhammad Shafi 1323
15 Brian Healy 1320
16 Ayan Zeeshan 1319
17 Daniel Slender 1312
18 Frank Lucien 1298
19 Dion Tiu 1291
20 David Khoury 1269
21 Mendel Monteiro-Beck… 1251
22 Neil Walters 1245
23 Steven Wittingslow 1235
24 Vincent Truong 1231
25 Leigh Moorhead 1190
25 Jason Stephens 1190
27 Isaac Kuruvilla 1169
28 Alex Samad 1154
29 Tarun Sathish 791
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Alex Forbath 0.00 0 2
2 Muhammad Shafi 0.00 1 1
3 David Khoury 0.00 0 2
4 Isaac Kuruvilla 0.00 0 3
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Jon Kranitis 2 2 100.00
1 Tarun Sathish 2 2 100.00
3 Alex Samad 1 1 100.00
3 Ayan Zeeshan 1 1 100.00
3 Mendel Monteiro-Beck… 1 1 100.00
6 Muhammad Shafi 1 2 50.00
6 Dion Tiu 1 2 50.00
8 Vincent Truong 2 0.00
9 David Khoury 1 0.00
9 David Hughes 1 0.00
9 Tom Pinson 1 0.00
9 Brian Healy 1 0.00
9 Steven Wittingslow 1 0.00
9 Steve Abbott 1 0.00
9 Neil Walters 1 0.00
9 Alex Forbath 1 0.00
9 Jeff Goh 1 0.00
9 Isaac Kuruvilla 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Tarun Sathish 731 791 60
2 Ayan Zeeshan 1288 1319 31
3 Alex Samad 1124 1154 30
4 Jon Kranitis 1412 1426 14
5 Mendel Monteiro-Beck… 1238 1251 13
6 Dion Tiu 1281 1291 10
7 Muhammad Shafi 1314 1323 9
8 Steven Wittingslow 1230 1235 5
9 Frank Lucien 1296 1298 2
10 Garry Piggott 1406 1407 1
11 Peter Bastow 1619 1619 0
11 Zeeshan Saeed 1528 1528 0
11 Tas Coumarelos 1521 1521 0
14 Nicholas Weekes 1593 1593 0
14 Jeff Goh 1429 1429 0
16 Garth Dannevig 1491 1490 -1
17 Steve Abbott 1351 1350 -1
17 Neil Walters 1246 1245 -1
19 Vincent Truong 1234 1231 -3
20 Tom Pinson 1340 1337 -3
21 Brian Healy 1324 1320 -4
22 Leigh Moorhead 1195 1190 -5
23 Jason Stephens 1195 1190 -5
24 Alex Forbath 1421 1415 -6
25 David Hughes 1435 1428 -7
26 George Akoutas 1383 1373 -10
27 David Khoury 1281 1269 -12
28 Daniel Slender 1329 1312 -17
29 Isaac Kuruvilla 1189 1169 -20
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Isaac Kuruvilla 3 3 100.00
2 Alex Forbath 2 2 100.00
2 David Khoury 2 2 100.00
2 Daniel Slender 2 2 100.00
2 Vincent Truong 2 2 100.00
2 David Hughes 2 2 100.00
7 George Akoutas 1 1 100.00
7 Tom Pinson 1 1 100.00
7 Steven Wittingslow 1 1 100.00
7 Steve Abbott 1 1 100.00
7 Neil Walters 1 1 100.00
7 Jason Stephens 1 1 100.00
7 Jeff Goh 1 1 100.00
14 Muhammad Shafi 1 2 50.00
14 Leigh Moorhead 1 2 50.00
14 Dion Tiu 1 2 50.00
14 Brian Healy 1 2 50.00
18 Jon Kranitis 0 2 0.00
18 Garry Piggott 0 2 0.00
18 Mendel Monteiro-Beck… 0 2 0.00
18 Tarun Sathish 0 2 0.00
18 Peter Bastow 0 2 0.00
18 Zeeshan Saeed 0 2 0.00
18 Tas Coumarelos 0 2 0.00
18 Garth Dannevig 0 2 0.00
26 Frank Lucien 0 1 0.00
26 Alex Samad 0 1 0.00
26 Ayan Zeeshan 0 1 0.00
26 Nicholas Weekes 0 1 0.00