Division 1: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Darren Cowen 11 11 100.00
1 Jack Hudson 11 11 100.00
3 Anuj Shah 4 4 100.00
4 Dan Jonas 2 2 100.00
5 Elijah De Vries 10 11 90.91
6 Steve Giudici 8 9 88.89
6 Joshua Woodward 8 9 88.89
8 Ross Eldershaw 11 13 84.62
9 Ben Hudson 7 9 77.78
10 Lee Baumwol 4 6 66.67
11 Alex Leahy 2 3 66.67
11 Gaye Mitchell 2 3 66.67
13 William Mooney 7 11 63.64
14 Sara Chugg 5 8 62.50
15 David Mulcahy 7 12 58.33
15 Tim Melsom 7 12 58.33
17 Rum Cyrus 8 14 57.14
18 Jack Bradley 6 11 54.55
19 Mark Hudson 4 8 50.00
20 Michael Brown 3 6 50.00
20 Anders Bown 3 6 50.00
22 Harry Booth 1 2 50.00
22 Jason O'Grady 1 2 50.00
22 Martin Bohata 1 2 50.00
25 Ashank Gupta 5 11 45.45
26 Tony Smith 4 9 44.44
26 Hamish Laws 4 9 44.44
26 Mark de Vries 4 9 44.44
26 Asher de Vries 4 9 44.44
30 Sean Meyers 5 12 41.67
31 Grace Marsh 4 12 33.33
32 Nancy Brown 3 11 27.27
33 Paul Willcock 2 8 25.00
34 Tom Palfreyman 2 9 22.22
34 Steve Adams 2 9 22.22
36 Morgan McGuire 2 10 20.00
37 Maggy Marshall 1 5 20.00
37 Lisa Daly 1 5 20.00
39 Mark Bravington 1 8 12.50
39 Thomas New 1 8 12.50
41 Charlie Greenwood 1 9 11.11
42 Caitlin Purvis 0 5 0.00
43 Ryan Flint 0 4 0.00
44 David Mitchell 0 2 0.00
44 Darren Appleby 0 2 0.00
46 Graeme Bradfield 0 1 0.00
46 Graham Sayer 0 1 0.00
46 Duncan Romoser 0 1 0.00
46 Kodie Wallbank 0 1 0.00
46 Tom Roberts 0 1 0.00
46 Harry Bird 0 1 0.00
46 James Gregory 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Jack Hudson 1824
2 Ben Hudson 1789
3 Mark de Vries 1631
4 William Mooney 1623
5 David Mulcahy 1561
6 Ashank Gupta 1540
7 Ryan Flint 1524
8 Morgan McGuire 1523
9 Harry Booth 1494
10 Maggy Marshall 1490
11 Kodie Wallbank 1484
12 Joshua Woodward 1460
13 Harry Bird 1432
14 Thomas New 1398
15 Graham Sayer 1395
16 Steve Giudici 1387
17 Jack Bradley 1381
18 Martin Bohata 1370
19 Rum Cyrus 1368
20 Anders Bown 1367
21 Jason O'Grady 1332
22 Anuj Shah 1315
23 Dan Jonas 1309
24 Duncan Romoser 1306
25 Hamish Laws 1304
26 Tom Palfreyman 1303
26 Lee Baumwol 1303
28 Charlie Greenwood 1297
29 Mark Hudson 1295
30 Darren Cowen 1287
31 Asher de Vries 1265
32 Tim Melsom 1259
33 Paul Willcock 1234
34 Alex Leahy 1224
35 Mark Bravington 1208
36 Michael Brown 1204
37 Tom Roberts 1191
38 Ross Eldershaw 1162
39 Elijah De Vries 1159
40 Gaye Mitchell 1154
41 David Mitchell 1147
41 Graeme Bradfield 1147
43 Grace Marsh 1140
44 Sean Meyers 1136
45 Caitlin Purvis 1126
45 Sara Chugg 1126
47 Lisa Daly 1125
48 Tony Smith 1100
49 Steve Adams 1095
50 Nancy Brown 1061
51 Darren Appleby 1011
52 James Gregory 926
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Jack Hudson 100.00 11 0
2 Joshua Woodward 100.00 8 0
3 Anuj Shah 100.00 4 0
4 Elijah De Vries 90.91 10 1
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Steve Giudici 2 2 100.00
2 Tony Smith 1 1 100.00
2 Dan Jonas 1 1 100.00
4 Elijah De Vries 5 6 83.33
5 Alex Leahy 2 3 66.67
5 Ross Eldershaw 2 3 66.67
7 Sean Meyers 4 8 50.00
8 Jack Bradley 2 4 50.00
9 Martin Bohata 1 2 50.00
10 Rum Cyrus 4 9 44.44
11 Ashank Gupta 2 5 40.00
12 David Mulcahy 3 8 37.50
12 Tim Melsom 3 8 37.50
14 Grace Marsh 3 9 33.33
15 Mark Hudson 1 3 33.33
15 Hamish Laws 1 3 33.33
15 Anders Bown 1 3 33.33
15 Lee Baumwol 1 3 33.33
19 Asher de Vries 2 7 28.57
20 William Mooney 1 4 25.00
21 Steve Adams 1 5 20.00
21 Maggy Marshall 1 5 20.00
21 Lisa Daly 1 5 20.00
24 Morgan McGuire 1 7 14.29
25 Tom Palfreyman 1 8 12.50
25 Charlie Greenwood 1 8 12.50
25 Nancy Brown 1 8 12.50
28 Caitlin Purvis 5 0.00
28 Mark Bravington 5 0.00
30 Ryan Flint 4 0.00
30 Paul Willcock 4 0.00
32 Michael Brown 3 0.00
32 Mark de Vries 3 0.00
34 David Mitchell 2 0.00
34 Ben Hudson 2 0.00
34 Thomas New 2 0.00
34 Darren Appleby 2 0.00
38 Graeme Bradfield 1 0.00
38 Kodie Wallbank 1 0.00
38 Joshua Woodward 1 0.00
38 Harry Booth 1 0.00
38 Tom Roberts 1 0.00
38 Harry Bird 1 0.00
38 James Gregory 1 0.00
38 Jason O'Grady 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Tom Roberts 1067 1191 124
2 David Mulcahy 1471 1561 90
3 Elijah De Vries 1093 1159 66
4 Asher de Vries 1204 1265 61
5 Joshua Woodward 1408 1460 52
6 Jason O'Grady 1290 1332 42
7 Ross Eldershaw 1125 1162 37
8 Grace Marsh 1103 1140 37
9 Darren Cowen 1255 1287 32
10 Dan Jonas 1279 1309 30
11 Lee Baumwol 1275 1303 28
12 Rum Cyrus 1342 1368 26
13 Morgan McGuire 1499 1523 24
14 Tim Melsom 1236 1259 23
15 William Mooney 1601 1623 22
16 Alex Leahy 1204 1224 20
17 Ashank Gupta 1523 1540 17
18 Steve Giudici 1372 1387 15
19 Sean Meyers 1123 1136 13
20 Ben Hudson 1779 1789 10
21 Thomas New 1388 1398 10
22 Maggy Marshall 1482 1490 8
23 Charlie Greenwood 1291 1297 6
24 Anuj Shah 1309 1315 6
25 Martin Bohata 1364 1370 6
26 Kodie Wallbank 1479 1484 5
27 Michael Brown 1200 1204 4
28 Lisa Daly 1121 1125 4
29 James Gregory 922 926 4
30 Harry Bird 1430 1432 2
31 Gaye Mitchell 1153 1154 1
32 Harry Booth 1494 1494 0
33 Darren Appleby 1012 1011 -1
34 Graeme Bradfield 1148 1147 -1
35 Ryan Flint 1526 1524 -2
36 Steve Adams 1098 1095 -3
37 Anders Bown 1370 1367 -3
38 Duncan Romoser 1310 1306 -4
39 Hamish Laws 1310 1304 -6
40 Nancy Brown 1068 1061 -7
41 Mark Hudson 1302 1295 -7
42 Graham Sayer 1405 1395 -10
43 David Mitchell 1161 1147 -14
44 Jack Bradley 1396 1381 -15
45 Paul Willcock 1249 1234 -15
46 Sara Chugg 1148 1126 -22
47 Jack Hudson 1847 1824 -23
48 Mark de Vries 1655 1631 -24
49 Mark Bravington 1235 1208 -27
50 Tom Palfreyman 1331 1303 -28
51 Caitlin Purvis 1157 1126 -31
52 Tony Smith 1141 1100 -41
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Caitlin Purvis 5 5 100.00
2 Ryan Flint 4 4 100.00
3 David Mitchell 2 2 100.00
3 Darren Appleby 2 2 100.00
5 Graeme Bradfield 1 1 100.00
5 Graham Sayer 1 1 100.00
5 Duncan Romoser 1 1 100.00
5 Kodie Wallbank 1 1 100.00
5 Tom Roberts 1 1 100.00
5 Harry Bird 1 1 100.00
5 James Gregory 1 1 100.00
12 Charlie Greenwood 8 9 88.89
13 Mark Bravington 7 8 87.50
13 Thomas New 7 8 87.50
15 Morgan McGuire 8 10 80.00
16 Maggy Marshall 4 5 80.00
16 Lisa Daly 4 5 80.00
18 Tom Palfreyman 7 9 77.78
18 Steve Adams 7 9 77.78
20 Paul Willcock 6 8 75.00
21 Nancy Brown 8 11 72.73
22 Grace Marsh 8 12 66.67
23 Sean Meyers 7 12 58.33
24 Tony Smith 5 9 55.56
24 Hamish Laws 5 9 55.56
24 Mark de Vries 5 9 55.56
24 Asher de Vries 5 9 55.56
28 Ashank Gupta 6 11 54.55
29 Mark Hudson 4 8 50.00
30 Michael Brown 3 6 50.00
30 Anders Bown 3 6 50.00
32 Harry Booth 1 2 50.00
32 Jason O'Grady 1 2 50.00
32 Martin Bohata 1 2 50.00
35 Jack Bradley 5 11 45.45
36 Rum Cyrus 6 14 42.86
37 David Mulcahy 5 12 41.67
37 Tim Melsom 5 12 41.67
39 Sara Chugg 3 8 37.50
40 William Mooney 4 11 36.36
41 Lee Baumwol 2 6 33.33
42 Alex Leahy 1 3 33.33
42 Gaye Mitchell 1 3 33.33
44 Ben Hudson 2 9 22.22
45 Ross Eldershaw 2 13 15.38
46 Steve Giudici 1 9 11.11
46 Joshua Woodward 1 9 11.11
48 Elijah De Vries 1 11 9.09
49 Darren Cowen 0 11 0.00
49 Jack Hudson 0 11 0.00
51 Anuj Shah 0 4 0.00
52 Dan Jonas 0 2 0.00