Group 3 (Played Wednesdays): Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Alexey Golovatyuk 3 3 100.00
1 Duncan Moselhi 3 3 100.00
3 alfie wheeler 1 1 100.00
3 Dave Brace 1 1 100.00
3 Tim Ledden 1 1 100.00
3 Tim Pratt 1 1 100.00
3 Simon Pierpoint 1 1 100.00
3 Rhys Williams 1 1 100.00
3 Don Wallington 1 1 100.00
3 Steve McClelland 1 1 100.00
3 Elaine Radcliffe 1 1 100.00
12 Daniel Blackney 3 4 75.00
13 Nick Billington 2 3 66.67
13 Paul Mathieson 2 3 66.67
13 Jason Pierpoint 2 3 66.67
16 Ashley Fowler 1 2 50.00
16 Dan Pierpoint 1 2 50.00
18 Richard Smith 1 3 33.33
18 Colin Jenkins 1 3 33.33
20 Gary Nolan 1 4 25.00
20 Linda Pritchard 1 4 25.00
22 Stephen Nankivell 0 4 0.00
23 Steve Wright 0 3 0.00
24 Dave Ryan 0 2 0.00
25 Ben Ashford 0 1 0.00
25 Pete Morgans 0 1 0.00
25 Max Ball 0 1 0.00
25 Georgina Lincoln 0 1 0.00
25 David Ryan 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Daniel Blackney 1456
2 alfie wheeler 1451
3 Pete Morgans 1424
4 Rhys Williams 1376
5 Duncan Moselhi 1362
6 Dave Brace 1360
7 Nick Billington 1336
8 Max Ball 1283
9 Linda Pritchard 1220
10 Tim Ledden 1187
11 Steve McClelland 1172
12 Richard Smith 1159
13 Elaine Radcliffe 1151
14 Don Wallington 1096
15 Simon Pierpoint 1094
16 Ashley Fowler 1086
17 Paul Mathieson 1075
18 Stephen Nankivell 1023
19 Alexey Golovatyuk 972
20 Dan Pierpoint 939
21 Georgina Lincoln 934
22 Tim Pratt 906
23 Steve Wright 896
24 Dave Ryan 891
25 Gary Nolan 874
26 Jason Pierpoint 863
27 David Ryan 841
28 Colin Jenkins 771
29 Ben Ashford 600
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Daniel Blackney 75.00 3 1
2 Linda Pritchard 25.00 1 3
3 Gary Nolan 25.00 1 3
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Tim Ledden 1 1 100.00
1 Duncan Moselhi 1 1 100.00
1 Elaine Radcliffe 1 1 100.00
4 Paul Mathieson 1 2 50.00
4 Gary Nolan 1 2 50.00
4 Jason Pierpoint 1 2 50.00
7 Colin Jenkins 1 3 33.33
8 Stephen Nankivell 4 0.00
9 Richard Smith 2 0.00
9 Steve Wright 2 0.00
11 Ashley Fowler 1 0.00
11 Dave Ryan 1 0.00
11 Ben Ashford 1 0.00
11 Pete Morgans 1 0.00
11 Dan Pierpoint 1 0.00
11 Max Ball 1 0.00
11 Georgina Lincoln 1 0.00
11 David Ryan 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Ashley Fowler 500 1086 586
2 alfie wheeler 1038 1451 413
3 Colin Jenkins 641 771 130
4 Dan Pierpoint 873 939 66
5 Paul Mathieson 1013 1075 62
6 Steve Wright 849 896 47
7 Elaine Radcliffe 1106 1151 45
8 Nick Billington 1294 1336 42
9 Jason Pierpoint 823 863 40
10 Stephen Nankivell 1000 1023 23
11 Georgina Lincoln 912 934 22
12 Tim Pratt 889 906 17
13 Gary Nolan 859 874 15
14 Richard Smith 1146 1159 13
15 Tim Ledden 1174 1187 13
16 Max Ball 1276 1283 7
17 David Ryan 839 841 2
18 Ben Ashford 600 600 0
19 Daniel Blackney 1465 1456 -9
20 Simon Pierpoint 1104 1094 -10
21 Dave Brace 1380 1360 -20
22 Pete Morgans 1452 1424 -28
23 Rhys Williams 1412 1376 -36
24 Steve McClelland 1211 1172 -39
25 Dave Ryan 940 891 -49
26 Alexey Golovatyuk 1023 972 -51
27 Don Wallington 1156 1096 -60
28 Linda Pritchard 1286 1220 -66
29 Duncan Moselhi 1522 1362 -160
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Stephen Nankivell 4 4 100.00
2 Steve Wright 3 3 100.00
3 Dave Ryan 2 2 100.00
4 Ben Ashford 1 1 100.00
4 Pete Morgans 1 1 100.00
4 Max Ball 1 1 100.00
4 Georgina Lincoln 1 1 100.00
4 David Ryan 1 1 100.00
9 Gary Nolan 3 4 75.00
9 Linda Pritchard 3 4 75.00
11 Richard Smith 2 3 66.67
11 Colin Jenkins 2 3 66.67
13 Ashley Fowler 1 2 50.00
13 Dan Pierpoint 1 2 50.00
15 Nick Billington 1 3 33.33
15 Paul Mathieson 1 3 33.33
15 Jason Pierpoint 1 3 33.33
18 Daniel Blackney 1 4 25.00
19 Alexey Golovatyuk 0 3 0.00
19 Duncan Moselhi 0 3 0.00
21 alfie wheeler 0 1 0.00
21 Dave Brace 0 1 0.00
21 Tim Ledden 0 1 0.00
21 Tim Pratt 0 1 0.00
21 Simon Pierpoint 0 1 0.00
21 Rhys Williams 0 1 0.00
21 Don Wallington 0 1 0.00
21 Steve McClelland 0 1 0.00
21 Elaine Radcliffe 0 1 0.00