1st Division: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Justin Gouweloos 14 14 100.00
1 Luke McFarland 14 14 100.00
3 Mick Gouweloos 3 3 100.00
4 Kyle Doherty 2 2 100.00
4 Marc Bush 2 2 100.00
6 Braden Dowling 1 1 100.00
6 Chris Moody 1 1 100.00
8 Daniel King 11 13 84.62
8 Daniel Smith 11 13 84.62
10 Richard Valentine 10 13 76.92
10 Paul Gossman 10 13 76.92
10 Mike Blumrick 10 13 76.92
13 Alex Hewitson 3 4 75.00
14 6 9 66.67
14 Michael Hutchings 6 9 66.67
16 Luke Bakke 9 14 64.29
16 Jesse Hutton 9 14 64.29
18 Alan McGuigan 7 11 63.64
19 Tyrone Daniels 3 5 60.00
19 Josh Pretorius 3 5 60.00
21 Alex Holmes 7 12 58.33
22 Matthew Boote 5 9 55.56
22 Yeshkin Maharaj 5 9 55.56
24 Chris Sayer 6 12 50.00
25 Stefano Garas 5 12 41.67
25 Ryan vd Merwe 5 12 41.67
27 Sam Bowley 4 10 40.00
28 Justin de Neef 2 5 40.00
29 Bryce Allsopp 5 13 38.46
30 Wayne Kershaw 5 14 35.71
30 James Gouweloos 5 14 35.71
32 Alex Tulleken 2 6 33.33
33 Samantha Herbert 4 13 30.77
34 Mark Gouweloos 4 14 28.57
35 Steve Hughes 2 8 25.00
36 Grant Wylie 1 7 14.29
37 Darren Price-Moore 1 8 12.50
38 Travis Rhodes 1 9 11.11
39 Jacques de Villiers 1 10 10.00
40 Shaun King 1 13 7.69
41 David Caine 1 14 7.14
42 Guy Hankinson 0 6 0.00
43 Micheal Howard (Jnr) 0 3 0.00
43 Jarod Naidoo 0 3 0.00
45 Donovan Muller 0 2 0.00
46 Waldo Snyman 0 1 0.00
46 Gareth Bowley 0 1 0.00
46 Nickolas Daley 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Chris Moody 2382
2 Justin de Neef 1684
3 Michael Hutchings 1668
4 Matthew Boote 1662
5 Justin Gouweloos 1660
6 Jesse Hutton 1644
7 Wayne Kershaw 1629
8 Stefano Garas 1625
9 Mick Gouweloos 1622
10 Richard Valentine 1611
11 Alex Holmes 1610
12 Alan McGuigan 1609
13 Paul Gossman 1606
14 Nickolas Daley 1600
14 Braden Dowling 1600
16 Alex Hewitson 1599
17 Mike Blumrick 1596
17 Waldo Snyman 1596
19 Daniel Smith 1595
20 Micheal Howard (Jnr) 1594
21 Jarod Naidoo 1591
22 James Gouweloos 1580
23 David Caine 1576
24 Grant Wylie 1575
25 Gareth Bowley 1570
26 Alex Tulleken 1562
27 Luke McFarland 1555
28 Travis Rhodes 1542
29 Luke Bakke 1533
30 1531
31 Chris Sayer 1527
32 Mark Gouweloos 1518
33 Shaun King 1507
34 Marc Bush 1506
35 Jacques de Villiers 1500
36 Sam Bowley 1492
37 Bryce Allsopp 1486
38 Daniel King 1482
39 Ryan vd Merwe 1467
40 Kyle Doherty 1461
41 Yeshkin Maharaj 1429
42 Donovan Muller 1424
43 Darren Price-Moore 1344
44 Josh Pretorius 1289
45 Steve Hughes 1288
46 Guy Hankinson 1281
47 Samantha Herbert 1110
48 Tyrone Daniels 1058
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Justin Gouweloos 100.00 14 0
2 Luke McFarland 100.00 14 0
3 100.00 4 0
4 Daniel King 87.50 7 1
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Mick Gouweloos 2 2 100.00
2 Paul Gossman 1 1 100.00
2 Michael Hutchings 1 1 100.00
2 Marc Bush 1 1 100.00
2 Kyle Doherty 1 1 100.00
6 Daniel King 4 5 80.00
7 Tyrone Daniels 3 5 60.00
7 3 5 60.00
7 Josh Pretorius 3 5 60.00
10 Alex Holmes 3 6 50.00
11 Jesse Hutton 1 2 50.00
11 Wayne Kershaw 1 2 50.00
11 Mike Blumrick 1 2 50.00
14 Chris Sayer 3 7 42.86
15 James Gouweloos 4 10 40.00
16 Luke Bakke 2 5 40.00
17 Ryan vd Merwe 3 9 33.33
18 Bryce Allsopp 3 10 30.00
19 Sam Bowley 2 7 28.57
20 Travis Rhodes 1 4 25.00
21 Yeshkin Maharaj 1 5 20.00
22 Darren Price-Moore 1 8 12.50
22 Mark Gouweloos 1 8 12.50
24 David Caine 8 0.00
25 Jacques de Villiers 7 0.00
26 Steve Hughes 5 0.00
27 Shaun King 3 0.00
28 Alex Tulleken 2 0.00
28 Grant Wylie 2 0.00
28 Alan McGuigan 2 0.00
31 Guy Hankinson 1 0.00
31 Micheal Howard (Jnr) 1 0.00
31 Waldo Snyman 1 0.00
31 Richard Valentine 1 0.00
31 Stefano Garas 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Chris Moody 600 2382 1782
2 Jarod Naidoo 600 1591 991
3 Sam Bowley 600 1492 892
4 Donovan Muller 600 1424 824
5 Guy Hankinson 500 1281 781
6 Tyrone Daniels 909 1058 149
7 James Gouweloos 1482 1580 98
8 Josh Pretorius 1194 1289 95
9 Chris Sayer 1435 1527 92
10 Yeshkin Maharaj 1342 1429 87
11 Daniel King 1397 1482 85
12 Bryce Allsopp 1403 1486 83
13 Ryan vd Merwe 1399 1467 68
14 1468 1531 63
15 Alex Holmes 1564 1610 46
16 Darren Price-Moore 1301 1344 43
17 Mick Gouweloos 1584 1622 38
18 Mark Gouweloos 1482 1518 36
19 Kyle Doherty 1431 1461 30
20 Luke Bakke 1517 1533 16
21 Michael Hutchings 1654 1668 14
22 Alan McGuigan 1601 1609 8
23 Matthew Boote 1654 1662 8
24 Marc Bush 1498 1506 8
25 David Caine 1569 1576 7
26 Jesse Hutton 1643 1644 1
27 Justin Gouweloos 1660 1660 0
27 Luke McFarland 1555 1555 0
29 Samantha Herbert 1110 1110 0
29 Daniel Smith 1595 1595 0
31 Steve Hughes 1288 1288 0
32 Nickolas Daley 1600 1600 0
32 Braden Dowling 1600 1600 0
34 Alex Hewitson 1600 1599 -1
35 Mike Blumrick 1600 1596 -4
36 Waldo Snyman 1600 1596 -4
37 Justin de Neef 1690 1684 -6
38 Micheal Howard (Jnr) 1600 1594 -6
39 Paul Gossman 1625 1606 -19
40 Jacques de Villiers 1520 1500 -20
41 Richard Valentine 1635 1611 -24
42 Grant Wylie 1600 1575 -25
43 Travis Rhodes 1570 1542 -28
44 Gareth Bowley 1600 1570 -30
45 Wayne Kershaw 1662 1629 -33
46 Alex Tulleken 1600 1562 -38
47 Stefano Garas 1666 1625 -41
48 Shaun King 1600 1507 -93
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Guy Hankinson 6 6 100.00
2 Micheal Howard (Jnr) 3 3 100.00
2 Jarod Naidoo 3 3 100.00
4 Donovan Muller 2 2 100.00
5 Waldo Snyman 1 1 100.00
5 Gareth Bowley 1 1 100.00
5 Nickolas Daley 1 1 100.00
8 David Caine 13 14 92.86
9 Shaun King 12 13 92.31
10 Jacques de Villiers 9 10 90.00
11 Travis Rhodes 8 9 88.89
12 Darren Price-Moore 7 8 87.50
13 Grant Wylie 6 7 85.71
14 Steve Hughes 6 8 75.00
15 Mark Gouweloos 10 14 71.43
16 Samantha Herbert 9 13 69.23
17 Alex Tulleken 4 6 66.67
18 Wayne Kershaw 9 14 64.29
18 James Gouweloos 9 14 64.29
20 Bryce Allsopp 8 13 61.54
21 Sam Bowley 6 10 60.00
22 Justin de Neef 3 5 60.00
23 Stefano Garas 7 12 58.33
23 Ryan vd Merwe 7 12 58.33
25 Chris Sayer 6 12 50.00
26 Matthew Boote 4 9 44.44
26 Yeshkin Maharaj 4 9 44.44
28 Alex Holmes 5 12 41.67
29 Tyrone Daniels 2 5 40.00
29 Josh Pretorius 2 5 40.00
31 Alan McGuigan 4 11 36.36
32 Luke Bakke 5 14 35.71
32 Jesse Hutton 5 14 35.71
34 3 9 33.33
34 Michael Hutchings 3 9 33.33
36 Alex Hewitson 1 4 25.00
37 Richard Valentine 3 13 23.08
37 Paul Gossman 3 13 23.08
37 Mike Blumrick 3 13 23.08
40 Daniel King 2 13 15.38
40 Daniel Smith 2 13 15.38
42 Justin Gouweloos 0 14 0.00
42 Luke McFarland 0 14 0.00
44 Mick Gouweloos 0 3 0.00
45 Kyle Doherty 0 2 0.00
45 Marc Bush 0 2 0.00
47 Braden Dowling 0 1 0.00
47 Chris Moody 0 1 0.00