Div 2: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Michael Hickey 1 1 100.00
2 Reece Bannerman 11 12 91.67
3 Philip Clark 9 11 81.82
4 Jared Nowak 14 18 77.78
5 Brian Bruce 9 12 75.00
6 Grant Hines 10 14 71.43
7 Todd Neilson 7 10 70.00
8 Stephen Oxford 9 14 64.29
9 Simon Pyle 7 11 63.64
10 Rhys Clenton 3 5 60.00
11 Andrew Ference 10 17 58.82
12 Eddie Mayes 7 12 58.33
13 Aaron Mahaffey 8 14 57.14
14 Darren Carter 6 11 54.55
15 Jack Jenkinson 1 2 50.00
16 Brenton Thompson 3 7 42.86
16 Steve Nunan 3 7 42.86
18 Gavin Fisher 4 10 40.00
19 Eric Covita 2 6 33.33
19 Chris Moy 2 6 33.33
21 Laurie Jones 1 3 33.33
22 Scott Liddell 3 10 30.00
23 Brian Lawrence 2 7 28.57
24 Scott Duggan 2 8 25.00
25 David Runciman 2 9 22.22
26 Wal Gray 1 9 11.11
27 Scott Wark 1 11 9.09
28 Brent Krogh 0 9 0.00
29 Albert O'Hearn 0 5 0.00
30 Dave Reid 0 1 0.00
30 Hayden Smith 0 1 0.00
30 Tom Wellings 0 1 0.00
30 Aamir Taherbhoy 0 1 0.00
30 Neil Roberts 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Philip Clark 1173
2 Darren Carter 1156
3 Michael Hickey 1150
4 Todd Neilson 1143
5 Stephen Oxford 1130
6 Eddie Mayes 1117
7 Gavin Fisher 1116
8 Tom Wellings 1084
9 Jack Jenkinson 1083
10 Brent Krogh 1080
11 Jared Nowak 1066
12 Grant Hines 1061
13 Reece Bannerman 1060
14 Chris Moy 1057
15 Aaron Mahaffey 1052
16 Andrew Ference 1038
17 Brian Bruce 1022
17 Brenton Thompson 1022
19 Simon Pyle 1021
19 Neil Roberts 1021
21 Rhys Clenton 1019
22 Scott Wark 1016
23 Brian Lawrence 1010
24 Laurie Jones 1003
25 Eric Covita 1002
26 Wal Gray 1000
27 Steve Nunan 991
28 Scott Liddell 983
29 Scott Duggan 970
30 Dave Reid 965
31 Albert O'Hearn 962
32 David Runciman 957
33 Hayden Smith 935
34 Aamir Taherbhoy 930
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Philip Clark 81.82 9 2
2 Jared Nowak 87.50 7 1
3 Andrew Ference 83.33 5 1
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Reece Bannerman 2 2 100.00
2 Philip Clark 1 1 100.00
3 Todd Neilson 2 3 66.67
4 Stephen Oxford 5 8 62.50
5 Rhys Clenton 3 5 60.00
6 Eddie Mayes 5 10 50.00
7 Grant Hines 2 4 50.00
8 Darren Carter 1 2 50.00
9 Simon Pyle 2 5 40.00
10 Andrew Ference 3 8 37.50
11 Jared Nowak 1 3 33.33
11 Laurie Jones 1 3 33.33
13 Scott Liddell 2 8 25.00
14 Gavin Fisher 1 4 25.00
14 Eric Covita 1 4 25.00
14 Steve Nunan 1 4 25.00
17 Aaron Mahaffey 1 5 20.00
18 Scott Duggan 1 7 14.29
18 David Runciman 1 7 14.29
20 Scott Wark 1 10 10.00
21 Wal Gray 7 0.00
22 Brent Krogh 6 0.00
23 Albert O'Hearn 5 0.00
24 Brenton Thompson 4 0.00
24 Brian Lawrence 4 0.00
26 Brian Bruce 2 0.00
26 Chris Moy 2 0.00
28 Hayden Smith 1 0.00
28 Tom Wellings 1 0.00
28 Aamir Taherbhoy 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Stephen Oxford 1057 1130 73
2 Laurie Jones 933 1003 70
3 Andrew Ference 978 1038 60
4 Eddie Mayes 1060 1117 57
5 Rhys Clenton 976 1019 43
6 Scott Liddell 948 983 35
7 Jared Nowak 1033 1066 33
8 Grant Hines 1031 1061 30
9 Aamir Taherbhoy 901 930 29
10 Aaron Mahaffey 1030 1052 22
11 Scott Wark 999 1016 17
12 Tom Wellings 1074 1084 10
13 Reece Bannerman 1052 1060 8
14 Simon Pyle 1013 1021 8
15 Darren Carter 1151 1156 5
16 Brenton Thompson 1018 1022 4
17 Todd Neilson 1140 1143 3
18 Brian Bruce 1022 1022 0
19 Scott Duggan 970 970 0
20 Wal Gray 1001 1000 -1
21 Hayden Smith 936 935 -1
22 Eric Covita 1006 1002 -4
23 Brian Lawrence 1016 1010 -6
24 Philip Clark 1180 1173 -7
25 Albert O'Hearn 970 962 -8
26 Neil Roberts 1029 1021 -8
27 Steve Nunan 1000 991 -9
28 Jack Jenkinson 1093 1083 -10
29 Chris Moy 1069 1057 -12
30 Gavin Fisher 1130 1116 -14
31 David Runciman 973 957 -16
32 Brent Krogh 1100 1080 -20
33 Michael Hickey 1178 1150 -28
34 Dave Reid 1009 965 -44
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Brent Krogh 9 9 100.00
2 Albert O'Hearn 5 5 100.00
3 Dave Reid 1 1 100.00
3 Hayden Smith 1 1 100.00
3 Tom Wellings 1 1 100.00
3 Aamir Taherbhoy 1 1 100.00
3 Neil Roberts 1 1 100.00
8 Scott Wark 10 11 90.91
9 Wal Gray 8 9 88.89
10 David Runciman 7 9 77.78
11 Scott Duggan 6 8 75.00
12 Brian Lawrence 5 7 71.43
13 Scott Liddell 7 10 70.00
14 Eric Covita 4 6 66.67
14 Chris Moy 4 6 66.67
16 Laurie Jones 2 3 66.67
17 Gavin Fisher 6 10 60.00
18 Brenton Thompson 4 7 57.14
18 Steve Nunan 4 7 57.14
20 Jack Jenkinson 1 2 50.00
21 Darren Carter 5 11 45.45
22 Aaron Mahaffey 6 14 42.86
23 Eddie Mayes 5 12 41.67
24 Andrew Ference 7 17 41.18
25 Rhys Clenton 2 5 40.00
26 Simon Pyle 4 11 36.36
27 Stephen Oxford 5 14 35.71
28 Todd Neilson 3 10 30.00
29 Grant Hines 4 14 28.57
30 Brian Bruce 3 12 25.00
31 Jared Nowak 4 18 22.22
32 Philip Clark 2 11 18.18
33 Reece Bannerman 1 12 8.33
34 Michael Hickey 0 1 0.00