Division 3: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Chantelle Garrett 1 1 100.00
2 Lyn Chandler 14 16 87.50
3 Christine Reston 13 15 86.67
4 Margaret Reilly 9 11 81.82
5 Kerry Maher 7 9 77.78
6 Jacqueline Cox 5 7 71.43
7 Lauren Hogan 7 10 70.00
8 Liana Gunzburg 9 14 64.29
9 Ray Edkins 6 11 54.55
10 Marina Leather 8 16 50.00
11 Anne Holder 6 12 50.00
12 Joyce Barnett 4 8 50.00
13 Ingrid Driffill 7 15 46.67
14 Andrea Williams 6 13 46.15
15 Marlene Morphett 6 14 42.86
16 Desley Wimbridge 6 15 40.00
17 Ned Barrett 2 5 40.00
18 Kay Brooks 4 11 36.36
19 Panda Byrne 1 4 25.00
20 Anita Bull 1 5 20.00
21 Di Cook 2 14 14.29
22 Nicky Carosella 1 13 7.69
23 Jillian Newland 0 6 0.00
24 Ken Risden 0 4 0.00
25 Robyn Delavale 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Kerry Maher 731
2 Chantelle Garrett 728
3 Liana Gunzburg 710
4 Marina Leather 695
5 Ray Edkins 690
6 Christine Reston 685
7 Ned Barrett 681
8 Di Cook 676
9 Ken Risden 669
10 Anne Holder 660
11 Lyn Chandler 651
12 Marlene Morphett 648
13 Jillian Newland 639
14 Margaret Reilly 624
15 Anita Bull 619
16 Andrea Williams 613
17 Kay Brooks 604
18 Panda Byrne 597
19 Robyn Delavale 592
20 Jacqueline Cox 558
21 Desley Wimbridge 556
22 Lauren Hogan 527
23 Joyce Barnett 519
24 Ingrid Driffill 507
25 Nicky Carosella 486
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Kerry Maher 77.78 7 2
2 Christine Reston 86.67 13 2
3 Lyn Chandler 91.67 11 1
4 Desley Wimbridge 85.71 6 1
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Christine Reston 2 2 100.00
2 Lyn Chandler 3 4 75.00
3 Margaret Reilly 5 7 71.43
4 Lauren Hogan 2 3 66.67
5 Panda Byrne 1 2 50.00
5 Kerry Maher 1 2 50.00
7 Anne Holder 5 11 45.45
8 Marina Leather 4 9 44.44
9 Ray Edkins 3 7 42.86
10 Marlene Morphett 2 5 40.00
11 Andrea Williams 3 9 33.33
12 Joyce Barnett 1 4 25.00
13 Ingrid Driffill 2 9 22.22
14 Desley Wimbridge 1 9 11.11
15 Di Cook 1 11 9.09
16 Nicky Carosella 1 13 7.69
17 Jillian Newland 5 0.00
18 Ken Risden 4 0.00
19 Anita Bull 3 0.00
19 Kay Brooks 3 0.00
21 Robyn Delavale 1 0.00
21 Liana Gunzburg 1 0.00
21 Ned Barrett 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Margaret Reilly 589 624 35
2 Kerry Maher 697 731 34
3 Chantelle Garrett 719 728 9
4 Liana Gunzburg 702 710 8
5 Lyn Chandler 645 651 6
6 Andrea Williams 607 613 6
7 Lauren Hogan 522 527 5
8 Christine Reston 682 685 3
9 Ray Edkins 688 690 2
10 Joyce Barnett 518 519 1
11 Marina Leather 695 695 0
12 Ingrid Driffill 507 507 0
13 Anne Holder 660 660 0
14 Desley Wimbridge 559 556 -3
15 Nicky Carosella 489 486 -3
16 Panda Byrne 601 597 -4
17 Robyn Delavale 596 592 -4
18 Ken Risden 679 669 -10
19 Ned Barrett 692 681 -11
20 Anita Bull 632 619 -13
21 Jillian Newland 653 639 -14
22 Jacqueline Cox 575 558 -17
23 Di Cook 704 676 -28
24 Kay Brooks 634 604 -30
25 Marlene Morphett 687 648 -39
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Jillian Newland 6 6 100.00
2 Ken Risden 4 4 100.00
3 Robyn Delavale 1 1 100.00
4 Nicky Carosella 12 13 92.31
5 Di Cook 12 14 85.71
6 Anita Bull 4 5 80.00
7 Panda Byrne 3 4 75.00
8 Kay Brooks 7 11 63.64
9 Desley Wimbridge 9 15 60.00
10 Ned Barrett 3 5 60.00
11 Marlene Morphett 8 14 57.14
12 Andrea Williams 7 13 53.85
13 Ingrid Driffill 8 15 53.33
14 Marina Leather 8 16 50.00
15 Anne Holder 6 12 50.00
16 Joyce Barnett 4 8 50.00
17 Ray Edkins 5 11 45.45
18 Liana Gunzburg 5 14 35.71
19 Lauren Hogan 3 10 30.00
20 Jacqueline Cox 2 7 28.57
21 Kerry Maher 2 9 22.22
22 Margaret Reilly 2 11 18.18
23 Christine Reston 2 15 13.33
24 Lyn Chandler 2 16 12.50
25 Chantelle Garrett 0 1 0.00